Grand Opening: The Rīgas cirks arena


SAVE THE DATE – March 20–23, as well as April 1, Rīgas cirks is going to celebrate the Grand Opening of the renovated circus arena.

The celebration program will include not only performances available to the general public, but also various events for professionals of the circus and other industries. The purpose of the opening is to mark the Rīgas cirks as an open, accessible, artistically high-value, and European-level circus art center, both for Latvian society and internationally.

See the photos and videos from the Opening Week HERE!

Rīgas cirks opening programme

Public events

March 21 – 23 “La Band à Tyrex” by La Band à Tyrex (France)
After the show on March 21 there will be a concert by La Bande à Tyrex, admission to the concert is included in the ticket.
Talks with the artists after the evening shows of March 22 and 23.

March 23 Project “Boarding pass plus” (Italy): 3 presentations

April 1 Humans 2.0 by Circa (Australia)

Exhibition: Rīgas cirks historical posters

Events for circus professionals


March 20 Rīgas cirks co-produced show “Pachamamo” for the international guests

March 21 – 23 “La Bande à Tyrex” (3 evening shows (sold out) and 2 artist talks with sign language translation in person and online; an extra show: March 23, 1PM)

March 22 Rīgas cirks produced show “Dandelion” for the international guests

March 23 Project “Boarding pass plus” (Italy): 3 presentations


March 20 Acrobatic cycling masterclass by La Bande à Tyrex

March 21 Seminar “Circus Art in Baltics”, Baltic artist/company presentations

March 22 International conference about circus architecture “Newborn Circuses”



March 20 – 22 Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN) meeting

March 20 Cultural organizations from Baltics meeting with international professionals

March 21 9:30 – 11:30 Informal business breakfast for the Baltic circus artists and international professionals

March 21 13:00 – 15:00 BNCN and Cirque Occitanie Europe Network co-creation session

March 22 9:00 – 12:00 Riga: The cultural tour for the international guests