We are happy to announce the release of the book “Green Journey”, created by the team and participants of “Circus for Climate” in the aesthetics and style of a comic strip.
The book, like the performance DANDELION, is the outcome of this “Circus for Climate” multidisciplinary project, which – in this case through visual art – allowed young people to express the ideas important to them in the field of climate change.
The comic is a collaboration of young people who joined the first created lab and the artists Ingrīda Pičukāne and Vivianna Maria Staņislavska.
During the laboratory, the young people drew, crafted collages and created zines about the environment and activism. Inspired by feedback gathered also from participants of other labs, the comic artists transformed the gathered content into the story “Green Journey”, in which the young woman Jeanette and her plastic bottle set on a journey, look in to and solve various environmental problems.
Participants of the laboratory who participated in the creation of visual content: Agnese Leitāne, Dagnija Poliakeviča, Evelīna Akmene, Justīne Oščenkova, Keita Frīdmane, Keita Ulas, Kristers Ozols, Loreta Linna Nikolajeva, Loreta Ščerbicka, Luize Lāčplēse, Viktorija Nagle.
The storybook is brought to life by the augmented reality videos that feature artists involved in the project. Augmented reality video can be viewed by scanning a QR code. The producer of the videos is Māris Lagzdiņš, music composed by Kaspars Kurdeko.
The book will be officially opened in a presentation event after the performance “Dandelion” on May 19 and 20.
The creative laboratory dedicated to the visual art of the “Circus for Climate” project took place from July 2022 in Gārsene castle, Jēkabpils district, and 11 young people aged 13 to 16 from Jēkabpils, Ludza and Bauska participated in it.
“Green Journey” is also available in digital version here (in Latvian only).
The project has been created with the support of the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants Financial Mechanism funding period 2014. – 2021. program “Local Development, Poverty Reduction, and Cultural Cooperation” open call “Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth”.
More information about the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism can be found HERE.
More about the performance HERE.