“Circus for Climate” performance DANDELION


DANDELION or how to grow through concrete and co-shape the world.

About the show

“I’m afraid that we won’t make it”, they said, straight to our faces.

Dandelion is a contemporary circus performance about the crossroads we are facing. In a world in climate and biodiversity crisis, what pathway do we take? What will our future be? And if you could decide: What does the future look like?

Exploring different realities through spectacular acrobatics, dance, music and the voices of Latvian youth, Dandelion creates stunning and unexpected imagery of what the world could become.

Taking inspiration from a dandelion, which can survive and spread its seeds despite harsh conditions, humanity has a chance to survive when we start collaborating, supporting and creating together.

The performance is aimed at young audiences and to spread inspiration on how our actions matter.

Dandelion is a collaboration between Riga Circus and Acting for Climate. The performance builds on a series of workshops with Latvian youth and what they think about the climate crisis.

Directed by Emma Langmoen and Amund Lindvang Bentsen and co-created with Alise Bokaldere, Aleksejs Smolovs, Maija Sukute, Michele Di Riu and Abigael Winsvold with music by Kaspars Kurdeko.

Set design: Kristīne Abika.

Lights: Jūlija Bondarenko

Costume design: Aurēlija Rancāne.

See the photos from the performance HERE.

When: 19 May 15:00 un 20 May 19:00

Where: Riga circus Merķeļa ielā 4

Tickets: free; reservation required

Age: 12+

A discussion with the artists will follow after the show


About “Circus for Climate”

The DANDELION is part of “Circus for Climate” project, and the highlight of the year long co-creation, showing the concerns and hopes of young people towards the future of our planet.

Launched in 2022, the main goal of the project is to explore the collective empowerment that multidisciplinary approach to education, art and activism can provide. The aim is to create a space for youngsters, artists and environmental specialists to meet and to work together across different regions of Latvia around the topic of art activism for environmental sustainability.

Along with the performance, a comic strip book “The Green journey” was created.

The full version of DANDELION will be performed in Riga Circus on 19 and 20 May, and a shorted version will be performed in schools in Latvia over the school year 2023/24.

More about the project can be read HERE

Artists involved in the project

The performance is a collaboration between Norwegian artists collective “Acting for Climate”, Riga circus artists and youngsters from various regions of Latvia.

Artists involved in the project: Abigael Winsvold, Aleksejs Smolovs, Alise Bokaldere, Amund Bentsen, Emma Langmoen, Frøydis Dahlø, Maija Sukute, Michele De Riu, Kaspars Kurdeko. Comic strip artistis: Ingrīda Pičukāne un Vivianna Maria Stanislavska.

LAB#1 participants: Agnese Leitāne, Dagnija Poļakeviča, Evelīna Akmene, Justīne Oščenkova, Keita Frīdmane, Keita Ulase, Kristers Ozols, Loreta Linna Nikolajeva, Loreta Ščerbicka, Luīze Lāčplēse, Viktorija Nagle.

“LAB#2 participants: Anastasija Vasiļjeva, Ance Ņikitenko, Anna Bogdānova-Lagzdiņa, Emīls Pīlēģis, Kristofers Kibilds, Lidija Zvārgule, Madara Graudiņa, Marta Lapiņa, Matīss Vanags, Renārs Ruža, Undīne Kiršteina.

“LAB#3 participants: Agnese Krūkliņa, Amina Čerņavska, Annija Ražanska, Evelīna Ševcova, Kitija Tomiņa, Linda Kristiāna Kalniņa- Levina, Loreta Ščerbicka, Markuss Žižins, Sabrīna Žigure, Tristans Eliass Čepulis.

“LAB#4 participants: dalībnieki: Annija Andersone, Dana Balklāva, Ēriks Jefremovs, Justīne Ogurcova, Katrīna Strautmane, Madara Marta Drūnese, Maija Kalniņa, Marta Oboleviča, Paula Lapiņa, Roberts Jeļņikovs.

“LAB#5 participants: Anna Bogdānova-Lagzdiņa, Beāte Šneidere, Elīna Lelde Tūbele, Evelīna Piķiere-Some, Karīna Stankeviča, Kintija Kora Krastiņa, Laura Ozola, Linda Šulca, Līva Barute, Sanija Stalta.

performance artists
Foto: Lauris Vīksne

The project has been created with the support of the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants Financial Mechanism funding period 2014. – 2021. program “Local Development, Poverty Reduction, and Cultural Cooperation” open call “Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth”.

More information about the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism can be found HERE.