New season


The new season of Riga Circus represents the surprises and unexpected turns, that are typical for the circus arts and simultaneously break the impressions on what are the capabilities of the human body as well as the space.

The first event of the season will be an awarded show “A Simple Space” by Australian circus company “Gravity and Other Myths”, which will take place in Mikhail Chehov Riga Russian Theatre. Meanwhile the doors of Riga Circus building will finally be open for wider audiences during the contemporary art festival SURVIVAL KIT,  but in October a variety of activities will be offered by the young actor troupe KVADRIFRONS.

Riga Circus is a multifunctional arts centre and strategically works not only to offer meaningful and timely circus shows for wider audiences, but also promotes the visibility and recognizability of the circus field in the Latvian society. Exactly during this season, thanks to many important cooperations with other culture institutions, Riga Circus will be able to make use of the multiple usages and potential of the premises and, even more importantly, will allow experiencing this building from a completely new viewpoint.

Video about the new season (in Latvian):