Save the date: Riga ICCE conference
We are pleased to announce that for the second time we will host the Riga International Conference on Circus Education (Riga ICCE), organised by the co-hosting organisations of the Baltic Nordic Circus Network – Cirkus Syd and Rīgas cirks – on May 10 and 11, Zeļļu Street 25, Riga.
The main themes of the conference will tackle artistic thinking in education, an inclusive approach to education, as well as physical literacy in an artistic sense. The format of the conference will provide both face-to-face and remote meeting opportunities for circus education professionals, circus field professionals as well as representatives from cultural and creative sector to learn about best and innovative practices and discuss future developments in circus education.
The program includes visionary keynote speeches, informal discussions and workshops not only with Baltic and Nordic professionals, but also with a wider range of partners from Europe and the United States. We will announce a more detailed programme very soon, but in the meantime – save the date!
Video review of the conference in 2018
This event is possible thanks to support from the Nordic Culture Fund and Baltic American Freedom Foundation.