Performance “Languages” tells a story of a disturbing character on the brink of madness searching for a principle of certainty in a world that is deforming. During this search he invites us to question our conceptions of reality in a game of mirrors where everything and nothing is what it seems. Fantasy, metaphor, theater and normallity together on a chaotic journey.
When: 24.04. and 25.04. at 7 pm
Where: Rīgas cirks (entrance from Merķela 4 street)
Circus, theater, movement, music and visual poetry at the service of an almost cinematographic dramaturgy that, through the absurd and the drama, will manage to shift us and break the framework of the possible.
Impulsos is a company founded in mid-2021 by the director and dramaturg Pau Portabella, who, after years directing several circus, theater and dance productions as a freelance, he decided to create a platform in which to share a space for research, reflection and creation, where a wide range of artists can cross their paths.
Wanting to dive into ideas and concepts that he has been developing for years, Pau Portabella wrote Evoluciones, a project that proposes three consecutive, independent but interrelated pieces.
Pau Portabella is a director, playwright and movement artist specializing in the synthesis of circus, theater and dance. Pau is the founder and creative director of Impulsos.
Pau – filozofisks meklētājs, kurš piedzīvo realitātes sabrukumu. Viņa eksistenciālie jautājumi izpaužas kustībā, fragmentētā tekstā un modernā mimā.
Julie – akrobātikas un kustības virtuoze, kura ar apzināti “salauztām” kustībām pauž savas iekšējās cīņas.
Nacho – līdzsvara meistars, kurš izmanto ikdienas priekšmetus kā balansa punktus un izteiksmes līdzekli, pievienojot tekstu un mūziku.
Endika – žonglieris, kurš savas prasmes izmanto kā metaforu iekšējai nestabilitātei un trauslumam.
Devising process and dramaturgy: Pau Portabella
Musical composition: Ildefons Alonso
Lighting design: Joan Lavandeira
Costume designer: Elsa Pitseleh
Artistic support: Anna Pascual, Pere Joseph Vilaplana
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