Open call: Masterclass on site-specific performances
Open Call for Baltic contemporary circus and other contemporary art discipline artists! From 17th until 21st of August, contemporary circus and street art festival “RE Rīga!” invites 6–10 Baltic artists to join masterclass in Riga, Āgenskalna tirgus (Āgenskalns Market) to learn more about creation of site-specific contemporary circus shows.
Photo: Dainius Putinas (from a similar workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania)
Masterclass will be led by street art and parkour professionals Ward Mortier and Thomas Decaesstecker from Belgian contemporary circus company BE FLAT and the by British circus director Jason Dupree .
Workshop participants will learn performative skills in the urban environment which break down the borders between audience, artists and passersby making them all a part of the performance. Innovation in the street art performances is the use of parkour which is the speciality of BE FLAT. All through the creation of this show Baltic artists will learn how to involve local residents and visitors of this space in the creative process, that way building a strong bond between the artist, the resident of this neighborhood and organizer of this event.
About the “Be Flat” company
Be Flat creative team (Ward Mortier and Thomas Decaesstecker) is organising a physical workshop on “How to create and perform in public space”. During this workshop, the participants will be invited to depart from the usual individual backgrounds and redefine their relationship to the urban environment. In the workshop presentation, we will see how the participants managed to adapt their skills to the context and create a connection with the urban environment while using parkour-based principles.
About Jason Dupree
His work finely balances between the tragic and the absurd, blending a multitude of art forms, such as circus, physical theatre, live art and dance. One of Jason’s main focuses is on changing the audience from a passive observer, to an active participant. More info about Jason’s projects HERE and HERE.
Arrival of the participants, informal get together
Workshops with Ward Mortier, Thomas Decaesstecker and Jason Dupree
Closing performance created in the workshop in Āgenskalns market
Covered expenses for the participants:
Meals, stipendium for each participant (up to 500 EUR), transportation expenses to Riga (up to 200 EUR)
Deadline: the 31st of July
Supported by Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Committee, Āgenskalns Market, Rīgas cirks and “Grassroot – Baltic circus artist’s network” in frameworks of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture.