Baltic circus artists gathered in Vilnius during September 6-12 to participate in the International circus festival “Helium” and also for creative and informative workshops dedicated to scenography and lights design. The workshop was hosted by Arts Printing House and included in the “Grassroot – Baltic circus artists network” programme that is coordinated by Riga Circus and supported by Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture.
During 6-7 September two workshops took place and where led by well known Lithuanian professionals – scenographer Barbora Skaburskė and light designer Darius Malinauskas. The goal of the workshops were to introduce artists to the basics of space creation with help of scenography, sculpture and light design, after which they could use the knowledge in their show creation and during the work process with scenographers/ light designers for their own projects.
In this creative workshop Barboba Skaburskė introduced to the basics and principles of scenography creation, ideas generation, concept creation, and adaptation to today’s stage. The workshop consisted of theoretical lecture and a practical – creative task. In the first part of the workshop the essential principles of scenography creation for theater, dance, circus performances, opera and performance was reviewed. In the second part of the workshop participants worked on a creative task aimed at putting the acquired knowledge into practice while working in a team or individually. Theory inspired all artists to create small creative scenes on spot involving given objects by the lecturer. The step by step process of thinking about scenography was successfully integrated in practical tasks, giving a spark of creative expression during the workshop.
The second workshop was with Darius Malinauskas – who is a light artist and light project developer, with more than 30 years of working experience in work with most notable Lithuanian theatre directors. The workshop included an explanation about stage lighting, lighting control principles, and equipment demonstration. Artists were introduced to a computer 3D lighting simulation program and lighting design by virtual means. Participants discussed lighting issues of theatrical, dance, concert, and circus performances. Darius explained the key points in the process of communication with lighting technicians during the creative process. This turned in a vivid discussion of how to incorporate given knowledge in further artistic praxis and project development.
Rīgas cirks coordinates the GRASSROOT – BALTIC CIRCUS ARTISTS’ NETWORK, which is supported by Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture.