
Ákri is a self-ironic, bright, and unusual solo performance that warmly observes how we cope with change. The 22 steps of the staircase, worn and polished to a soft glow, serve as the axis along which the performance’s physical and dramaturgical arc moves. The acrobat’s physical and mental identity changes as they grow older. What happens during this transition? How do we ourselves react to similar changes within us?

The idea’s creator and acrobat, Manel Rosés Moretó, about the performance: “Ákri combines acrobatics with acting, clowning techniques, and while creating it, I asked myself questions: ‘How do we move from one place to another? Can we transform without stopping what we are doing?'”

Performance Schedule:

March 1 at 7:00 PM
March 2 at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM

Seating is unnumbered. Ticket prices will increase closer to the performance dates.

About the Performance:

The Greek word άκρη (ákri) translates to “threshold” or “border.” It is the first part of the word ακροβασία (acrobatics). While its origin is associated with height, the creator has chosen to interpret it as “walking beyond usual boundaries” or “crossing a threshold.”

Ákri features three protagonists: the acrobat, a staircase, and a door. Each has an equally essential role in the performance.
The staircase is a scenographic element, a circus prop, and a symbol. The desire to reach the top or the fear of heights are just a couple of examples of the staircase’s metaphors. Symbolically, the staircase represents a transitional space, a space in-between.

The acrobat’s physical and mental identity changes with age. What happens in this transition? How do we experience the time that passes between two moments? How do we inhabit these “non-places,” which, like a staircase, are not meant for living?
Manel Rosés Moretó, the creator and acrobat, on Ákri: “This is my first solo show. Ákri combines acrobatics with acting and clowning techniques. While creating it, I asked myself questions: ‘How do we move from one place to another? Can we transform without stopping what we are doing? What drives us and keeps us continuing to do what we do? And how do we manage to keep going?'”

Doors play a significant role in the performance as they create three units where the action unfolds: inside, outside, and the threshold between these spaces. The acrobat’s interactions with the door exemplify how circus artists transform their relationship with props, making them an active part of the performance.

About the Artist
Manel Rosés Moretó is an acrobat born in Barcelona and educated at Stockholm’s University of Dance and Circus (DOCH). Manel’s primary tool is his body, and he is drawn to simple and human themes. By creating playful relationships with objects or situations, he seeks to highlight the human aspect of the acrobat, allowing the audience to identify with it. He believes in the circus’s ability to reach all types of audiences, regardless of origin, age, or social status. Therefore, his works always strive to maintain self-irony and simplicity to communicate as directly and universally as possible.

Since 2010, Manel has combined creating and performing his productions with working as an acrobat/performer in shows such as InTarsi (Circo Eia), Desdemona (Les Ofelies), and Escalada (Cirque du Soleil). In 2016, he co-founded his own company, Soon Circus Company, with Nilas Kronlid. Their first production, Gregaris, has toured and continues to tour throughout Europe. It was also featured at the contemporary circus festival RE RĪGA! The show has won several awards, including the Audience Favorite Award at Stora Teatern in Gothenburg in 2020 and the Audience Award at Igualada Theatre Showcase in 2022.
Restless by nature, Manel has never stopped exploring various performing arts fields. He has participated in courses in theater dramaturgy, intensive clowning workshops, acting training, and Flying Low dance*.

* Flying Low dance employs the metaphor of spirals, fractals, and their interconnections to develop sustainable agility, rising from and returning to the ground. It focuses on gathering and sending energy, focus, and mass in all directions.

Ákri Creative Team:

Idea: Manel Rosés Moretó
Acrobat: Manel Rosés Moretó
Outside eyes**: Roberto Magro and Joan Català
Costume Designer: Eli Meoz
Scenography and Props: Ulli Ullrich
Composer and Sound Design: Lluis Casahuga and Enric Bartumeu
Lighting Designer: Luis Portillo Valle
Sound and Lighting Technical Processing and Sound Design Co-Creator: Diego Rada Antoñanzas
Artistic Collaboration: Stefano d’Argenio, Fabrizio Gianini, Gina Vila Bruch, Marta Monistrol
Photography: Marta Garcia Cardellach

** Outside eye: In circus, the term refers to someone not directly involved in creating or performing the show. This person observes the performance from the audience’s perspective, offering valuable insights into aspects such as timing, flow, clarity, emotional impact, and the overall rhythm of the show.


Wheelchair accessible
Available for individuals with hearing impairments (induction loop provided)

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