Grassroot: mentoring sessions
As the 2021 is coming to its end, it is a proper reason to remind that Baltic Circus Grassroot network provides a final round of mentoring sessions, regarding any creative, administrative, production or artistic circus process related questions. Feel free to contact regarding your needs, and further links with authorities in the interested field will be provided.
We have met and consulted most of the artists during the residencies, workshops and events in 2021, including “Cirkuliacija” in Kaunas, “ReRīga!” in Riga, Helium in Vilnius and Epicirq in Tallinn, nevertheless also other artists or creative professionals, that we have not met are welcomed to seek guidance in case any questions have arisen especially regarding projects in the 2022.
Questions or comments can be addressed to project partners: Rīgas cirks (Riga, Latvija), festival “ReRiga!” (Riga, Latvija), Next Door Circus (Riga, Latvija), Arts Printing House (Vilnius, Lithuania), Teatronas (Kaunas, Lithuania), Lithuanian contemporary circus association (Vilnius, Lithuania), Estonian circus centre (Tallinn, Estonia). Associated partner:Baltic Nordic Circus Network (Circus Syd, Zviedrija).
Feel free to contact Baltic project coordinator Vita Valheima: