“Circus for Climate” and foundation “Initium” is organizing a workshop on methods of art activism which will be held at the discussion festival LAMPA on June 9, 2023 in Cēsis.
The environment, climate, social issues and other topics that are of importance to society have appeared in the Latvian art space and agenda in recent years, thus raising hopes for a change of generations. Nevertheless, activism – artistic or otherwise – remains rare, even though the range of topics that could and should be spoken out loud is wide.
How to promote activism and how to promote art activism? What are the art methods that can be used to motivate the public to active involvement?
Building on discussions held throughout and experience acquired in the “Circus for Climate” project as well as working together with the circus artists from Riga Circus and association “Acting for Climate”, artists from various art fields will share their experiences and invite participants to reflect on social, political and environmental issues in modern Latvia.
Iveta Pole, director, performance artist
Kristine Briniņa, choreographer
Māra Pāvula, member of the board of VSIA “Rīgas cirks”
Moderator: Ieva Niedre, cultural producer, chairman of the board of INITIUM foundation
Date and time: June 9, 21:30-22:30
Venue: Swedbank Ilgtspējas skatuve, Cēsu pils parks
The event will take place only in person
The project has been created with the support of the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants Financial Mechanism funding period 2014. – 2021. program “Local Development, Poverty Reduction, and Cultural Cooperation” open call “Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth”.
More information about the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism can be found HERE.
Read more about the project HERE.