Workshop “From dreams to reality” in Vilnius, Lithuania


Baltic artists took part in a workshop about circus in Lithuania. Arts Printing House invited everybody to meet and dream together about the future of this art field. Circus artists, producers, teachers, critics, governmental level cultural attashees and other individuals joined the workshop in Vilnius, September 8-9, 2022.

The workshop was a part of the HELIUM festival. Travel bursaries provided by “Grassroot – Baltic circus artists’ network” supported by the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture

The 2-day workshop was lead by Edward Rapley and Lina B. Frank (UK/SE) and the main theme was planning the future creative activities while being in the roles of Dreamer – Maker – Editor. The viewpoints helped to make the journey from ideas into reality smoother by separating out the responsibility into discrete states of mind.

Edward Rapley and Lina B. Frank are experienced workshop leaders and facilitators of creative processes. The workshop uses Open Space Technology meetings to enable the participants to embody and work from three different states of mind in their creative process.

By the end of the workshop, the participants will had a list of activities they wish to carry out and a solid plan for how to start working. They had found collaborators within the group of participants so together they can combine forces and turn their dreams into reality.