“Side-show” workshop/audition during “Helium” festival in vilnius


During circus festival “Helium” in VIlnius, Setpember 4-6, 2023 “SIDE-SHOW” companys’ artistic directors Aline Breucker & Quintijn Ketels were looking for professional performers with hybrid profiles (circus-artists, actors and dancers, musicians) to attend their organized workshop/audition and.

“SIDE-SHOW” organized a 3 day workshop/audition led by Aline Breucker & Quintijn Ketels.
Participation in the workshop/audition was by invitation only.

Travel bursaries provided by “Grassroot – Baltic circus artists’ network” supported by the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture

The workshop took place in Arts Printing House, Vilnius

10 experienced professional performers took part, they passed the selection process where main things were – hybrid profiles (circus-artist, actors and dancers, musicians) with a creative mind, clarity in movement, good posture, excellent skills in improvisation and instant composition, interested in-deepth research and testing of limits.