Conference on Circus Education


On 12th of April Riga Circus in collaboration with Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN), Latvian Academy of Culture and Circusinfo Finland is organizing an international conference on Circus Education.

The main topics of the conference will be Models of teaching, Curriculums & Research Programmes and Inspiring projects and academic research.

Policy makers, artists and professionals will all be invited to participate and hear inspiring speeches of the most experienced, knowledgeable and cutting edge in our field. People who’ve created real change and impact with international recognition. We will focus on how ‘art’ can transform people’s life through teaching and how to educate the best artists for tomorrow’s brave world.

After the conference two roundtables with higher education institutions will be organized.

The conference will be an important meeting point for circus pedagogues and academics from Europe and will bring great networking opportunities for both local and international actors of the field.

More information and application form available here.