Vija Veita
The ringmistress Vija Veita came to the Riga Circus in 1969. As she herself puts it, the circus was looking for “a lass in a folk costume” who could speak Latvian and Russian, say some words in Polish and guide the audience through the circus acts.
The ringmaster helps the show run dynamically when various acts change and link them together thematically according to the scenario. The ringmaster must be a talented actor with the gift of the gab and a charismatic personality.
Speaking about her work experience in the circus, Vija has only good memories: the cordial relationships of the circus people and the family atmosphere. She compares the circus with the Olympics, but to learn more and find out what other impressions Vija Veita has about the circus, you should listen to the conversation with her.
Photos by Ieva Epnere
All project participants:
Aivars Meistars / Alīna Kešāne / Anna Armand / Baiba Reinika / Dace Pecolli / Darja Golobokih / Darius Ščesnulevičius / Dzintra Žilde/ Gabriels Gots / Georgijs Sokolovskis / Gunta Virkava / Iveta Girtakovska / Lauris Cepurītis / Marija Lase / Mārīte Milne / Raitis Ašmanis / Ramona Sniega / Valērijs Komisarenko / Vija Veita / Vilnis Nerets