Alīna Kešāne
Alīna Kešāne danced in the ballet company of the Riga Circus from 2013 till 2017. For her as a dancer, the main qualities that matter in the circus are lightness, beauty and splendour. The circus must be a treat for the eyes with many beautiful people in the arena.
“Nothing can be predicted in the circus,” Alīna says. The circus exudes magic and mystery. It is a place which extends human physical and mental abilities beyond the limits. She also believes that the circus creates a sense of family and belonging.
She has a lot of amazing stories about the circus, like the one when she had to dance among the crocodiles holding up torches in her hands. Alīna enthusiastically tells us about this occasion and other surprising and memorable events.
Photo by Ieva Epnere
All project participants:
Aivars Meistars / Alīna Kešāne / Anna Armand / Baiba Reinika / Dace Pecolli / Darius Ščesnulevičius / Darja Golobokih / Dzintra Žilde / Gabriel Got / Georgijs Sokolovskis / Gunta Virkava / Iveta Girtakovska / Lauris Cepurītis / Marija Lase / Mārīte Milne / Raitis Ašmanis / Ramona Sniega / Valērijs Komisarenko / Vija Veita / Vilnis Nerets