Lauris Cepurītis
An electrician in the circus is not just an electrician – in the circus everyone must be a jack of all trades! And in the circus everything is interconnected. It depends on the work of the electrician or the gaffer how the artists perform or whether the circus show will be successful.
Daily tasks of the electrician Lauris Cepurītis include repair and maintenance of stage lights, headlights, cables and wires in the Riga Circus. When time permits, he installs new cables. Lauris also used to manage lighting during the shows, and it was a very serious and important task. He came to watch circus shows with his grandchildren even before he started working in the circus. But he learned what kind of art circus was only when he himself became part of the circus staff. Now Lauris knows that the circus shows turn into magic and success only through sweat and hard work. That’s why the work in the circus involves lots of stress, but this is good stress.
We questioned Lauris about the things going on backstage and about the circus itself.
All project participants:
Aivars Meistars / Alīna Kešāne / Anna Armand / Baiba Reinika / Dace Pecolli / Darja Golobokih / Darius Ščesnulevičius / Dzintra Žilde/ Gabriels Gots / Georgijs Sokolovskis / Gunta Virkava / Iveta Girtakovska / Lauris Cepurītis / Marija Lase / Mārīte Milne / Raitis Ašmanis / Ramona Sniega / Valērijs Komisarenko / Vija Veita / Vilnis Nerets