Gabriel Got
Gabriel Got knew from the age of 9 that his goal was not only to work in the circus, but to become a circus director. And the circus director must know all the ropes, i.e. creative and artistic as well as technical and organisational aspects of the circus.
That’s what Gabriel Got is doing right now: he has his own Shapito Circus and he does everything in it. Gabriel can juggle, perform acrobatic stunts, do magic tricks, throw knives, you name it!
Gabriel first came to the Riga Circus when he was 12 and he immediately asked to be taken to Gunārs Katkēvičs, the then director of the circus. Back then the young boy already knew what he needed to become a circus artist and later a circus director. He needed professional advice, his own determination and intense learning.
In his story, Gabriel inspires with his determination and courage to dream and fulfil his dreams.
All project participants:
Aivars Meistars / Alīna Kešāne / Anna Armand / Baiba Reinika / Dace Pecolli / Darja Golobokih / Darius Ščesnulevičius / Dzintra Žilde/ Gabriels Gots / Georgijs Sokolovskis / Gunta Virkava / Iveta Girtakovska / Lauris Cepurītis / Marija Lase / Mārīte Milne / Raitis Ašmanis / Ramona Sniega / Valērijs Komisarenko / Vija Veita / Vilnis Nerets