Dzintra Žilde
Dzintra Žilde’s name is known to everyone who has ever been involved with the Riga Circus. After her debut in the show Circus on the Water in 1964, the energetic and tenacious circus artist continued to work in the circus for the next 30 years.
Having worked as an acrobat, aerial gymnast and juggler, she is best known for her circus acts with trained dogs. In the Soviet period she received a title of Honoured State Artist of Latvia for her work in this discipline. She talks with love and tenderness about the spitzes and poodles she has trained.
Today Mrs Žilde is as determined as always and has an active social life. In the conversation, she
talks about the beginning of her circus career, about courage, pertinacity and ardour that helped her achieve success. It is a story of talent and professionalism and of what it means to be a circus artist.
Photos by: Ieva Epnere
All project participants:
Aivars Meistars / Alīna Kešāne / Anna Armand / Baiba Reinika / Dace Pecolli / Darja Golobokih / Darius Ščesnulevičius / Dzintra Žilde/ Gabriels Gots / Georgijs Sokolovskis / Gunta Virkava / Iveta Girtakovska / Lauris Cepurītis / Marija Lase / Mārīte Milne / Raitis Ašmanis / Ramona Sniega / Valērijs Komisarenko / Vija Veita / Vilnis Nerets