
Rīgas Cirks Residency Program for Baltic Circus Artists: Taigi cirkas


The Taigi Cirkas (Lithuania) company will be working on two performances as part of the Rīgas cirks Residency Program this year from August 3 to 16. “inTENSE” is a contemporary circus creation based on the ‘forces made visible’ principle. The artists draw inspiration from various fields such as architecture, anatomy, and human society. All those…

RE RIGA!: “107 Ways to Deal with Pressure” by Kanta Company (work-in-progress)


Let’s go further with introducing to the RE RIGA festival 2022 artists and their shows! August 17 –21 it is – the extended weekend of  the Re Riga! festival!  The full program of the festival you can find HERE. And now meet and greet work-in-progress “107 Ways to Deal with Pressure” by Kanta Company. Full festival…

Baltic Circus on the Road: Kanta Company


Kanta Company at Rīgas cirks residency  Lithuania based circus artists “Kanta company” May 17–31 are working on their show “Clothes and us” during a residency in Rigas cirks in the frameworks of “Baltic Circus on the Road” project. Kanta company’ s pitch at the open call competition was chosen by an international jury and they…

First artist in residency


In August of 2018 the Riga Circus welcomes the first artist of the Residency Program – Alexis Akrovatakis. Stockholm based artist aims to create material and explore the possibilities for his solo project by the name Jostka. Born by a communist mother and the Mediterraneo mafiozi father, lived a childhood full of colours, astonishing times…